ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 2x2 $41 $66 $144 $272 $529 $658 $786 $1,043 $1,300 3x2 $54 $92 $208 $401 $786 $979 $1,172 $1,557 $1,943 4x2 $66 $118 $272 $529 $1,043 $1,300 $1,557 $2,071 $2,585 3x3 $73 $131 $304 $593 $1,172 $1,461 $1,750 $2,328 $2,906 5x2 $79 $144 $336 $658 $1,300 $1,621 $1,943 $2,585 $3,228 6x2 $92 $169 $401 $786 $1,557 $1,943 $2,328 $3,099 $3,870 4x3 $92 $169 $401 $786 $1,557 $1,943 $2,328 $3,099 $3,870 5x3 $111 $208 $497 $979 $1,943 $2,424 $2,906 $3,870 $4,834 4x4 $118 $221 $529 $1,043 $2,071 $2,585 $3,099 $4,127 $5,155 5x4 $144 $272 $658 $1,300 $2,585 $3,228 $3,870 $5,155 $6,440 7x3 $150 $285 $690 $1,364 $2,714 $3,388 $4,063 $5,412 $6,761 8x4 $221 $426 $1,043 $2,071 $4,127 $5,155 $6,183 $8,239 $10,295 ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 2x2 $81 $128 $268 $503 $973 $1,207 $1,442 $1,911 $2,381 3x2 $104 $175 $386 $738 $1,442 $1,794 $2,146 $2,850 $3,554 4x2 $128 $222 $503 $973 $1,911 $2,381 $2,850 $3,789 $4,728 3x3 $139 $245 $562 $1,090 $2,146 $2,674 $3,202 $4,258 $5,314 5x2 $151 $268 $620 $1,207 $2,381 $2,967 $3,554 $4,728 $5,901 6x2 $175 $315 $738 $1,442 $2,850 $3,554 $4,258 $5,666 $7,074 4x3 $175 $315 $738 $1,442 $2,850 $3,554 $4,258 $5,666 $7,074 5x3 $210 $386 $914 $1,794 $3,554 $4,434 $5,314 $7,074 $8,835 4x4 $222 $409 $973 $1,911 $3,789 $4,728 $5,666 $7,544 $9,421 5x4 $268 $503 $1,207 $2,381 $4,728 $5,901 $7,074 $9,421 $11,768 7x3 $280 $527 $1,266 $2,498 $4,962 $6,194 $7,426 $9,891 $12,355 8x4 $409 $785 $1,911 $3,789 $7,544 $9,421 $11,299 $15,054 $18,809 Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years. Signs can be Yep, inkjet printed both sides! 10 Mil Double-sided Poster Printing comes in full color on both sides, with 1 stock to Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com Maximum Size: 59" High X 150' Wide Group shipping We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com. Signs can be choose from and are available in many popular sizes. This poster material is perfect for hanging advertisements, window display posters, and much more. Displaying crisp clean graphics or even getting your message across, this material is ideal for doing just that. Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com Maximum Size: 59" High X 150' Wide Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years. 10 Mil Double-Sided Poster with Gloss or Matte Lamination CheapCheap™ 10 Mil Double-Sided Inkjet Posters Yep, inkjet printed both sides! 10 Mil Double-sided Poster Printing comes in full color on both sides, with 1 stock to choose from and are available in many popular sizes. This poster material is perfect for hanging advertisements, window We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com. |